It’s Never Too Early to Start Learning

Citizen Convent Strives to provide a challenging, Safe and socially appropriate learning environment. Our goal each day is for student to feel happy confident and successful.
Citizen convent is uniquely positioned to equip young learners for the English global highly. We recognize and value the importance of language acquisition as a vehicle for learning in an increasing interdependent global society.
We place a high priority on tradition values and ethics. It is our mission to educate the future leaders of our country and the world. We hire exceptional teacher who are dedicated for helping student to achieve their personal best.
Our beautiful campus is well equipped with outstanding facilities and resources. Please feel welcome to drop by or call us. It will be our pleasure to tell you about our wonderful school.
Why Our School...?

An institution demonstrating the influence of education to build a civilized and prosperous society giving importance to regularity, creativity, respectability & responsibility.

To provide the student with a world class educational environment and enable them to grow as worthy human being and influential leaders of tomorrow’s world.

Follow the Right Path
" Learning is an ART, that can be easily THOUGHT.If you sincerely take PART,you can surely grow SMART"

Congratulations to Citizen Convent students Madiha Muskan & Affifa Eram for receiving Dr.APJ Abdul Kalam Toppers Award 2023 by Falcon Group of Institutions

Our School SSLC Toppers 2022-23
